4月後半のHiNative ライブのトークテーマは【お寿司】
清明 Fresh Green 、All things are clear and bright
穀雨 Grain Rain 、Rain falls gently and wets grain fields
二十四節気 24 divisions on the solar calendar of a year
握り寿司 bite-sized sushi/ nigiri-zushi
巻き寿司 rolled sushi/maki-zushi
ちらし寿司scattered sushi/chirashi-zushi
バラちらし寿司fish-topping scattered sushi
焼き海苔 dried seaweed
味付け海苔 seasoned dried seaweed
寿司飯 vinegared rice
まきす a bamboo mat for rolled-sushi
手巻き寿司 hand-rolled sushi
毒消し antidote
山葵 Japanese horseradish
すりおろし grated
大葉青紫蘇 Japanese basil
穂紫蘇 buds of Japanese basil
大根 Japanese white radish/daikon radish
千切り cut into fine strips
菊の花 chrysanthemum flower
ガリpickled ginger
干瓢 strips of dried gourd
桜でんぶ pink cod-fish flakes
干椎茸 dried shiitake mushrooms
余り物 leftovers
切れっ端 piece
酢締め vinegared
漬け soaked in soy sauce
ハランbar-room plant
蒲鉾 fish cake
玉子焼 (Japanese) rolled omelet
薄焼玉子 (Japanese) thin omelette
つまもの garnish for J-foods
飾り decoration
彩りmaking (the dish) colorful
消化促進 digestive
お口直し cleansing the palate